Friday, August 8, 2014


• Class will begin promptly. Please be in your seat with something to write with.
• Electronic devices (cell phones, mp3 players, pagers, PDAs, etc.) may not be used and need to be kept out of sight.

Code of Ethics:
• Respect Yourself.
• Respect Others.
• Respect School.
• Be on Task.

If you choose to follow the code of ethics:
It will result in an atmosphere conducive to learning and getting good grades.

If you choose not to follow the code of ethics:
Any of the following consequences may be invoked:
Verbal warning, individual conference, moved to a new seat, writing assignment, call or e-mail parents, involve counselors, POs, etc.

To help the student develop the skills to become…
• A life long learner
• A responsible citizen
• An effective communicator
• An employable individual

• Students are expected to be in class at all times. Seven excused or unexcused absences in a class during the quarter will result in the withholding of the grade and the credit for that class. An NG (no grade) for that class period will appear on the next report card. The grade and credit will be restored when restitution is completed. A grade withheld does not influence the Grade Point Average; however, if not restored, it will result in the loss of credit required for graduation.

Assignments, Tests and Quizzes:
• Assignments will be given regularly. It is expected that an assignment will be completed on the day that it is assigned as time will be given during class for the completion of the assignment. It is anticipated that homework will be rare, however, the student will have the opportunity to finish an assignment at home if he/she chooses should the assignment not be completed during class.
• Tests and quizzes will be given periodically to check for student understanding and to assess student learning. It should be understood that tests and quizzes should be the students own work and help is not allowed.