Quick Flash II: Use the computerized flashcards in QuickFlash II to practice the multiplication facts. Each time you get an answer correct, a green square is placed on the card. (Red if you get it wrong.)
Meteor Multiplication: Large meteors with multiplication problems in them move from all around the screen toward a large star station in the center of the screen. Answers to the problems are placed in the center of the star station, the station gun is aimed at the approaching meteor, and the gun is fired to disintegrate the meteor. If a meteor reaches the star station before disintegrated with the correct answer, the meteor hits the station and shatters. Answers are placed in the star station and gun moved and fired by designated keyboard keys. Hits and misses are recorded in the galaxy at the bottom of the screen.
Multiplication Practice: Practice your multiplication facts and feed the world!
Grand Prix Multiplication: A multi-player racing game for multiplication. Students race against each other to capture the Multiplication Cup! How quickly the student correctly answers the multiplication problem determines how quickly the race car will go. The student with the fastest rate of correct answers will win the race. Hits and misses are recorded and displayed at the end of the game, along with the student’s rate. 1-4 players can play at once.
Tug Team Tractor Multiplication: a multi-player tug game for multiplication. How quickly the student correctly answers the multiplication problem determines how much the tractor will tug. The team with the fastest rate of correct answers will win the tug of war. Hits and misses are recorded and displayed at the end of the game, along with the student’s rate. 1-8 players can play at once.
Drag Race Division: A multi-player racing game that allows students from anywhere in the world to race one another while practicing their division facts! How quickly the student correctly answers the multiplication problem determines how quickly the race car will go. The student with the fastest rate of correct answers will win the race. Hits and misses are recorded and displayed at the end of the game, along with the student’s rate. 1-4 players can play at once.